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Mike Hamer - Singer/Songwriter/Saint

In 1985, Mike Hamer had a terrible accident that left him quadriplegic, but one by one, Mike turned his challenges into victories. Wheelchair bound, Mike continued to write and play music, perform shows, teach at the university and do community outreach. A prolific songwriter, he would invite musicians to come and jam on his deck or in his living room on a regular basis. He was a mentor to me, a brother and collaborator.

About a year ago, I sat down with my dear friend. After our interview, I decided that, because of all the noise from the medical machines in the background, that I would probably do another interview with Mike. But, we never got the chance. So with the help of my friend, Jim Roberts, we salvaged the interview as best we could.

Last week, our good friend, Mike, passed away, leaving a legacy of strength, love and compassion. The memorial service was attended by hundreds of artists, freaks, local politicians, professors and musicians wearing bright colors and funny hats. Afterwards we all went to the local watering hole and played music until the wee hours. There’s not enough I can ever say about Mike Hamer. I am just thankful that I had a chance to befriend such an enlightened representative of the human species.

So here it is. I hope you enjoy this enlightening interview with Mike Hamer.

Rest in peace, old friend.

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